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Echinodorus in a 45l


New Member
Thread starter
31 Jan 2024
Hi, recently I have been wanting to recreate a jungle style tank in my 45 litre tank. Its 45 cm long, 30 cm deep and 30 cm high. I have also acquired a particular fascination with Echinodorus species and was wondering if it is wise to plant echinodorus plants in such a small tank. I know they can grow very large and are normally suited for larger tanks, but would the low water level harm their health or would they just grow out of the water emersed? To remain on the conservative side, I was considering echinodorus varieties like reni, green flame and hildebrandt which, from my reading, remain on the smaller side. However, would it be rather detrimental to place a larger species like rubin, granat or fantasy in the 45l? Thanks.
Purperea and Reni can remain small in a 45l. I guess just pull the long leaves to ensure a smaller compact growth over time. Bear in mind the space you need to give to each plant if you plant to have many. I guess over time you can work out which will be better for background vs the foreground over time. Will have some lovely contrasting colours and patterns in the tank. Look forward seeing the update 🙂
Hi all,
Are there any species well suited for emersed growth perhaps as well?
We have a few members who have grown them emersed, @zozo and @Nont have threads <"Flowering aquatic plants"> & <"Plant Pictures!">.

Former member @Mick.Dk worked for Tropica and he said <"Echinodorus bleheri"> doesn't do well emersed, but most others do. That is the way they are produced commercially.
Echinodorus 'bleheri' is just about the worst species you can choose for this. It is very, very intolerant of low humidity (which is anything, you can provide with WabiKusa).
Generally the commercially traded Echinodorus are really not good "house-plants", but the Echinodorus 'red diamond'is not the worst candidate. It will allmost certainly suffer heavily, adapting to lower humidity, loosing existing leaves, but I would not be surprised if new leaves could actually adapt and survive, as long as humidity is in the higher end.
Echinodorus palaefolius is the species usually recommended for open top aquarium - but it still need a decent humidity to keep healthy leaves emerse.

cheers Darrel
I've grown Echinodorus Aquartica in a 45 liter without issue as it stays a similar size to Echinodorus Reni. I have some Echinodorus Grisebachii 'Tropica' in tanks as small as 25 liters and its the smallest Echinodorus variety that I'm aware of and the best part is how easy it is to grow.

I have an Echinodorus Cordifolius 'Fluitans' in my 40 gallon and while its a larger plant, I trim its front leaves on a regular basis to free up space and it hasn't shown any negative side effects and grows without issue. I would guess you could do with this other larger varieties in smaller tanks to manage their size if needed.
Thanks for all the replies! It does seem that Ozelot probably would be too large but the emersed look is very cool, especially if I could keep it further to the back/ side of the tank. I think I will have a try with two smaller Echinodorus species and 1 slightly larger species like Echinodorus fantasy. Will update!