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Easylife profito vs apt zero


New Member
Thread starter
21 Apr 2024
Hey all,

Have a bottle of easy life profito currently and a fluval gro +(expired in 2022) which I believe are both micros.

I have a 20 gallon main tank that I've replaced with aquasoil with CO2 and soon a week aqua430 lighting. I've been dosing tnc complete prior to this about 20ml 3 times a week.View attachment IMG_20240519_202528.jpg

I've seen a few things about RRFT METHOD and from 2hr where it would show your nitrates, and since my nitrates RRFTs are always green I'm guessing my nitrates are very high. I also have quite a few fish in here now(maybe just about overstocked 10 platinum rummy's, 13 chilli's, 4 dario dario, 1 molly, amanos, otos and Cherry's)

I've also attached my water quality report and it's saying 30ppm average.

My main question is should I stop using tnc complete and start using just easylife Profito? Would that be enough or would I need to add extra potassium? And if so how much would you recon.

I do want to try have red root floaters and the rotalas a bit red this time and thought the nitrates might be a problem. I would consider my lights to be high and is on for 8 hours.

Also: is it fine to use expired fertiliser like the fluval gro+ on my shrimp tank?


I have the same in my tap water and i have stopped dosing nitrates all together, i am only dosing tnc complete one 2ml pump every 2-3 weeks(because i bought it),rest i only dose columbo fert which came with superfish set ,it has no nitrates and phosphate. For phosphates i bought monopotashim phosphate and i dose that few times a week.

for iron because i have high ph from tap i dose api leaf zone which is mostly iron EDTA , i dose that every otherweek

This concoction is very confusing i know but i am only doing it this way because i have bought these and rather finish them instead of wasted money.

Once i am done with these , i might either go drysalts traces only + EDTA iron .

My hra and red root floaters are turning red.

I have the same in my tap water and i have stopped dosing nitrates all together, i am only dosing tnc complete one 2ml pump every 2-3 weeks(because i bought it),rest i only dose columbo fert which came with superfish set ,it has no nitrates and phosphate. For phosphates i bought monopotashim phosphate and i dose that few times a week.

for iron because i have high ph from tap i dose api leaf zone which is mostly iron EDTA , i dose that every otherweek

This concoction is very confusing i know but i am only doing it this way because i have bought these and rather finish them instead of wasted money.

Once i am done with these , i might either go drysalts traces only + EDTA iron .

My hra and red root floaters are turning red.

View attachment 219463
Those plants really good 👍

I might just do that with tnc complete too.
So would easylife profito not be enough as a fertiliser as fish poop and water change would give the nitrates + phosphates?

Or would I need to supplement some? Like the potassium?

I'm still very clueless about what and how much ferts to use in general. Slowly getting the hang of it.
Screenshot_20240520_141927_Amazon Shopping.jpgso it does not have phosphate or nitrates which is what you want , but i cannot see what the cleator is for iron you might have to do some research on that and your ph .
Because you are injecting co2 phosphates might need dosing, if you have any GSA (green spot alge) then you definitely need to dose phosphate.

Can easily purchase monopotashim phosphate salts and mix your own batch using distilled water.
Hi all,
Those plants really good
They do.
Have a bottle of easy life profito currently and a fluval gro +(expired in 2022) which I believe are both micros.
You can use them, but they really are <"just glorified tap water">.
I've also attached my water quality report
That is <"beyond shoddy">, even for our <"privatised water companies">, they managed a magnificent "one sample" for both calcium (Ca) and alkalinity.
I might just do that with tnc complete too.
You can use any <"all in one">, just <"dosed at a low rate">.
Also: is it fine to use expired fertiliser like the fluval gro+ on my shrimp tank?
Yes, as long as they haven't formed an insoluble precipitate? They are good for <"all of eternity">.
I have the same in my tap water and i have stopped dosing nitrates all together, i am only dosing tnc complete one 2ml pump every 2-3 weeks(because i bought it),rest i only dose columbo fert which came with superfish set ,it has no nitrates and phosphate. For phosphates i bought monopotashim phosphate and i dose that few times a week.

for iron because i have high ph from tap i dose api leaf zone which is mostly iron EDTA , i dose that every otherweek
I think the Duckweed Index / RRF method <"What is the future for the Duckweed Index II, is it a mix of floaters?"> is a good way forward, more details are in @BuffBall 's <"other thread">.
...... Personally I've reached a stage where <"I'm after plants"> that will survive and grow slowly on <"petrol fumes">. I just have surface (and sub-surface) floating plants as my <"stems">...

cheers Darrel