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Mark Evans

13 Jun 2008
newark notts.
how do i trim it, i allready cut the runners.

but by cutting leafs to length, would this kill the leafs ive just cut?


Found this on a quick search on google, hope it helps 😛

Well dun worry, just get down with a pair of sharp scissors and trim those babes. Note, those runners you see from the 'mother' plant, dun cut them too soon. As a thumb of rule, start trimmin' only when you see them havin' like 5-6 running plantlets. Cut off the 'Linked' runners between them, and pretty soon, you'll see them sprouting new runners from each individual!
Occasional trimmin' makes them grow healthier and thicker, frequent trimmin' makes them go 'Botak'
LondonDragon said:
Found this on a quick search on google, hope it helps 😛

Well dun worry, just get down with a pair of sharp scissors and trim those babes. Note, those runners you see from the 'mother' plant, dun cut them too soon. As a thumb of rule, start trimmin' only when you see them havin' like 5-6 running plantlets. Cut off the 'Linked' runners between them, and pretty soon, you'll see them sprouting new runners from each individual!
Occasional trimmin' makes them grow healthier and thicker, frequent trimmin' makes them go 'Botak'

I love the slang! ... found myself reading that in my head with a jaimacan accent. lol. I wonder what botak means though...
Yeah but you care just that little bit more Paulo 😀
Haha you guys just being nice! You haven met me yet! I imagine myself as the twin of José Mourinho! lol
I've got the plant, I've just never cut back the leaves. I just trim off extra runners that sprout out of the clump. LEt us know how it recovers after a haircut.
One thing I have noticed is that Tropica ET is the best around, and way better than Greenline. It stays lower and takes on a reddish hue on more mature blades.

Dave. Trying to care. 🙁