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Dwarf Pencilfish bloated/deformed?

I don't have access to live daphnia. Regards to crushed peas, can I just defrost some frozen petit pois and drop them in?
I don't have access to live daphnia. Regards to crushed peas, can I just defrost some frozen petit pois and drop them in?
You can order daphnia online from eBay. Normally turns up pretty quickly and often in a better state than the stuff you get from your local fish shop.
Personally I wouldn't go with crushed peas as they're micropredators so not really equipped to deal with vegetable matter and that might make them worse.
Frozen daphnia might do it if you can't get live but as @Conort2 said you can get it online...don't know if you've got any ponds in your area at all as a quick dip with a net might yield some as the mild weather has kicked mine into gear outside.
I don’t like to introduce water from other sources into my aquarium. How do you do it if you buy these online? Coffee filter papers?
I used to have female cherry barbs that looked like this if not worse all the time. It was rather unsightly but didn’t affect them believe it or not. It was just a combination of them Being pigs and then being gravid on top of that. Granted this could be something else, although the other pencils in your picture appear fine but they look like males to me.

I’d be tempted to worm regardless. It’s one of the few treatments I undertake even when I don’t see symptoms. You should see some of the stuff that comes out of fish that look very healthy.

If seems like if I were to go down this route of live food, it would be daft not to cultivate the water fleas myself. I'd better do some reading.

I used to have female cherry barbs that looked like this if not worse all the time. It was rather unsightly but didn’t affect them believe it or not. It was just a combination of them Being pigs and then being gravid on top of that. Granted this could be something else, although the other pencils in your picture appear fine but they look like males to me.

I’d be tempted to worm regardless. It’s one of the few treatments I undertake even when I don’t see symptoms. You should see some of the stuff that comes out of fish that look very healthy.


Out of interest what do you use for worming and do you treat your main tank or remove the fish and treat?
If seems like if I were to go down this route of live food, it would be daft not to cultivate the water fleas myself. I'd better do some reading.

Out of interest what do you use for worming and do you treat your main tank or remove the fish and treat?
I use cloverleaf wormer which is flubendazole. I treat the whole tank and it’s a pretty mild treatment unless you have snails. It apparently helps against camallanus but the only thing I’ve found work against them is esha ndx.

Camallanus worms are particularly dangerous and can wipe out a tank. These show themselves as red spikes from the fishes vent. They’re often prominent in dwarf cichlids raised in the Far East.

I would give the live daphnia a go first as all other fish seem very healthy.
