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dwarf cichlids with shrimp


17 May 2011
can any body help, i have a 5 foot tank that is fully planted and need advise on dwarf cichlids. i need to know if any
members have kept dwarf ciclids with shrimps and the shrimp numbers have not declined and they still get to breed
as i would like to keep cichlids and shrimps.

any info would be of great help.
Hi all,
I've kept Apistogramma cacatuoides with Red Cherry Shrimps, and even in a very heavily planted tank it is difficult to maintain shrimp numbers. The problem is that the fish will pick of the smaller shrimps and any swimming shrimps, which means that over time you lose all your male shrimps, as these are both smaller and more active than the females.
When I first had shrimps I kept RCS with A. borellii, and these took much longer to exterminate the shrimps.

I now use my spare cherry shrimps as Apistogramma feed, by putting a large wodge of moss in the shrimp tank, and then 1 or 2 days later adding it to the cichlids.

Amano Shrimps may well be all right, as they are a bit bigger.

cheers Darrel
im getting okai with my Apisto caca's and Amano shrimp, but cheap cherries would be the most out there i would go with adding any other shrimp to the tank.

if they where ok with them id add a better quality cherry shrimp....but that would be it.

in a dense 5 footer id say you should be okai, i just wouldnt go out and buy a ton of crs or super suppppper red cherries.

my sisters boyfriends family own a 3foot with all sorts of fish that consume cherries and im not lieinng when i say they started with around 10 cherries and now have around 150 lol...so it can be done....keep the appistos well fed and dont go crazy with stocking.
thanks darrel.
i was kinda thinking apistogramma agazzi or smaller if there any. but your comments have been a geat help.
Hi all,
If you can find them I'd recommend either A. borellii or A. trifasciata/A. erythura as small Apistogramma species. None of them need very acid water, and the males are lovely colours once they've coloured up.

With A. borellii you could easily keep several males and a large number of females in your tank <http://dwarfcichlid.com/Apistogramma_borellii.php>. I'd recommend ApistoBob's web pages as well to any dwarf cichlid keeper, the "Aquarium Care" pages are very useful. I've corresponded with Bob for a long time and he is very knowledgeable. You could try "Apistogramma Forums" and the "British Cichlid Association" forums as well.

With A. trifasciata the males are a lot more aggressive, and I've never kept A. erythrura (formerly A. trifasciata "Mamore").

I only stopped keeping them because I had real trouble getting rid of the fry (I won't post), if you want a cichlid to provide some pin money I'd go with any of the red forms of A. hongsloi, A. macmasteri, A. agassizii or A. cacatuoides.
A. agassizii may be all right with shrimps, the others all have big mouths.

Out of these A. cacatuoides is fine in any water that isn't hard, but the others all need softer water to breed successfully.

I haven't seen them, but apparently there are fish of the red tailed form of A. erythrura about, and it is a cracker. <http://apisto.sites.no/fish.aspx?fishIndexID=2411&gruppeID=1>.

cheers Darrel
any peeps got any ideas on where would the best place be to get dwarf cichlids not to far from norfolk