Hi all,
If you can find them I'd recommend either
A. borellii or A. trifasciata/A. erythura as small
Apistogramma species. None of them need very acid water, and the males are lovely colours once they've coloured up.
A. borellii you could easily keep several males and a large number of females in your tank <
http://dwarfcichlid.com/Apistogramma_borellii.php>. I'd recommend ApistoBob's web pages as well to any dwarf cichlid keeper, the "Aquarium Care" pages are very useful. I've corresponded with Bob for a long time and he is very knowledgeable. You could try "Apistogramma Forums" and the "British Cichlid Association" forums as well.
A. trifasciata the males are a lot more aggressive, and I've never kept
A. erythrura (formerly
A. trifasciata "Mamore").
I only stopped keeping them because I had real trouble getting rid of the fry (I won't post), if you want a cichlid to provide some pin money I'd go with any of the red forms of
A. hongsloi, A. macmasteri, A. agassizii or A. cacatuoides.
A. agassizii may be all right with shrimps, the others all have big mouths.
Out of these
A. cacatuoides is fine in any water that isn't hard, but the others all need softer water to breed successfully.
I haven't seen them, but apparently there are fish of the red tailed form of
A. erythrura about, and it is a cracker. <
cheers Darrel