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Dusko's Aquatic Wardrobe ;-)

Dusko said:
Thanks all 😀
Honestly can't wait to buy a house (in a few years) and move all tanks out of the wardrobe into my new fish/plant room 😛

My idea is next;

Looks good?


hurry up & move lol

wouldnt it be easier to link them all up to the water supply so it allows for easy water changes?

I am just presuming that you wasnt going to judging by the sink :lol:
Mate that is just a rough sketch of what I'm intending to do in a few years 🙂
Yes everything is going to be "easy maintenance" to avoid stress caused by too many water changes 😉

Any who, that is all far in the future!
In a few years I might become interested in something else instead of aquascaping e.g. like playing golf :lol:

Regards, Dusko