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Dual function space

11 Apr 2013
Republic of Ireland
Hi all,

This is my office. Since the pandemic started our company has opted to implement more flexible working arrangements and I’m lucky to have the option to work from home more often. I moved my tank upstairs in December and since then it has been an absolute pleasure to manage and watch my plants mature. Water changes don't interrupt the living spaces and I can spin my chair and just observe for a moment, Its very nice to have something in my work office that allows me to switch my mind set.

I have bought a nonbranded 60 cm Optiwhite aquarium so the flex will be replaced at some point in late summer. Before this happens I want to paint the room and install some lights on the aquarium side wall to allow me to keep indoor plants. The window is facing east so that corner is as shaded as it gets.

I would like to opinions on the colour scheme for the room please? I was considering a light blue for the office side and maybe pure white for the aquarium wall? Maybe a curved line or some simple pattern to blend the transition between the two spaces on the window wall?

I have about 190 cm to play with so the new 60cm will go in the middle of this space with a plant/plants or shelves with plants on the right hand side in the corner. A wall mounted spot light with appropriate bulb above.

Any ideas or suggestions welcome. Pictures even better.

Full shot idea.jpg
Aquarium wall side.jpg


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That will make a lovely working space. I have my little quarantine tank in my office space at the moment and have 4 mad Peppered Corydoras zooming about all day. It really helps to get me though a working day, being able to problem solve whilst watching fish!

Even with an East facing window you would be fine with low light plants. I have Pothos, Dieffenbachia, Parlour Palm, Peperomia and a Spider Plant in a very dark corner and they are growing really well. You could go to town and start training climbing plants up the wall too. Go all out for a lush, tropical jungle look!
Well I’m very happy you have given me some options Natalie I’m very grateful. I had not researched indoor plants yet. I would need to be careful I don’t accidentally have too much light in that corner that might induce algea in the tank
If you are up for it you could grow some emersed plants out of the tank. It doesn't need to be anything more than a few roots dangled into the water and would work well with the Pothos suggested by Natalie. Ficus pumila is another plant that would do a similar job but with smaller leaves.

It's sometimes frowned upon but the zz plant is a nice plant for sun or shade and there are plenty of rainforest cactus that would do well. If the wall is shady then your plan for a light colour is good and it maximises the light reflection, so I'd go with your initial plan of contrasting blue and white.
Well I finished the painting and I am very happy how it turned out. Also @NatalieHurrell the spider plant is thriving. Once the colder weather comes in I will decommission the Flex and build up the new tank. Thanks!

10 points for anyone who can tell me what location the paintings are depicting. did I use that term correctly?

Hi all,

It was the square tower, mountains and inclement weather that made me think of W. Ireland.

Yes, a fantastic place on a good day. It is just the "good day" bit that is tricky.

cheers Darrel

Good day in the west is in short supply.
Is it Keiss castle in Scotland?
No but right country, not a castle.