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Drop Checker & 4dKH Solution?

You use the 4dKH solution instead of the tank water that is usually recommended in the instructions to most drop checkers. So you add 4dKH solution and the pH reagent to your drop checker.
I was going to mention that on your journal! From your diffusor it looks like you are flooding it 😉
Won't last you very long at that rate, the plants will thank you for it, but at that rate you need to keep dosing those ferts pretty high or you will have algea issue 😉
LondonDragon said:
I was going to mention that on your journal! From your diffusor it looks like you are flooding it 😉
Won't last you very long at that rate, the plants will thank you for it, but at that rate you need to keep dosing those ferts pretty high or you will have algea issue 😉

Think it's just taking time for me to get the right injection of CO2 into the tank.

Think those bubbles showed from when it just turned on and loads of bubbles were pushed through at the start.

It's a shame that I've not had a full day to keep checking the drop checker and the bubble counter, as I'm always out at the weekend doing games.
Just do small adjustements at a time, its takes a while for the bubble rate to be accurate, at least 10 minutes, and the colour of the drop checker takes even longer, from what I read can take up to 2/3 hours (correct me if I am wrong).
I have a bubble counter, but the bubble are so tiny I can't really count them properly, so I just go by the drop checker and the plant health overall 😉
LondonDragon said:
Just do small adjustements at a time, its takes a while for the bubble rate to be accurate, at least 10 minutes, and the colour of the drop checker takes even longer, from what I read can take up to 2/3 hours (correct me if I am wrong).
I have a bubble counter, but the bubble are so tiny I can't really count them properly, so I just go by the drop checker and the plant health overall 😉

Could be then that my bubbles are rather large! 😳
Superman said:
Could be then that my bubbles are rather large! 😳
Don't concentrate a lot on the bubble rate, concentrate more on the drop checker and its green colour 😉
There are lot of different bubble counters out there and its difficult to say what is the right bubble rate.
Superman said:
Best get looking for a Co2 FE
Speak to Dan, £15 plus postage for a 2kg bottle! I might get one of this off him also.
ulster exile said:
I can't believe you just admitted that. I'd have swore blind that black was white if it came down to it 😉

I don't mind owning up to my errors. It's blue at the minute, guess it'll take a while to take the reading. Will have a look at it in the morning.