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Drool!! One can but dream

Awesome Tank, Reminds me of my 400G from a few years ago.
And Planting a tank that size is not that expensive if you know where to buy from. When I planted the 400G. I bought from the Malaysian Plant Farms direct and saved alot of money. One thing Iearned with that tank, was to haggle for the display tank plants in an LFS much Cheaper, for big established plants.
12mm should be fine for the pressure due to depth. The area for concern would be how much the glass had to flex. You'd want a very stable, very solid, perfectly square base, and probably a floor to match.
thingymajig said:
That holds 1359.21 ltrs
and 1ltr weighs 1kg wonder what the total weight would be with all the subsrate and decor :crazy:
You could of mentioned this before, i've ordered 1 of these to have it has a floating tank, basically hanging from the ceiling on small chains.
dam thing. :?
Tanks that size are common enough in the marine world
I once got one for free. Took 4 of us a bloody long time to get it in the van. lol
It sat in my mate's garage until i decided i couldn't afford a house big enough to house it 😀
Flogged it for about 20 quid on ebay
He's having a serious laugh if he thinks he'll get more than 100-200 for it