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Draft for new scape

28 May 2013
I'm drafting my new scape for my tank and think of using boulders I can find in a stream close to my home...I will only use carpet planting such as HC, Glosso and hairgrass
Please give me some feedback on this draft and some ideas how to keep the substrate from going down ending up with a flat (less hilly) scape....or will the boulders (and later the plants) be enough to keep the substrate in place?
Looks lovely, Martin. :)

You have a great eye for composition and your skills with a pencil are excellent!

HC would be a good choice. You need a plant that won't smother the stones. Eleocharis 'mini' would accent nicely, like you've drawn. It's stays shorter and isn't as invasive as E. parvula and E. acicularis.

You shouldn't have trouble with the substrate levelling, especially if the stones are partially buried. Root growth also helps to prevent substrate sliding.

I look forward to seeing this turn into reality. :)
I've always aspired to a beautifully mixed carpet of HC, glosso, hairgrass (and in my case Marsilea hirsuta). Just make sure you're getting enough CO2 down to substrate level and you should be fine - its the one thing I'm struggling with at the moment and hence my glosso is a bit leggy (and I have BBA on the substrate).

Unless you can keep them separate, glosso may well overwhelm the HC so I would be tempted to stick to one or the other. I would let that grow in, then add your "accents" with the Eleocharis in tufts here and there, so you retain a little control over the final look of it. That's likely to be the best way to achieve what you've sketched out.

As George said - the draft is excellent. Looking forward to watching this develop.
thx so far for the comments....HC and maybe some Riccia tight to some small stones would work I think just to give the whole a bit different texture and of course Eleocharis 'mini' (if I can find it here otherwise buy a tiny lawn mower).
I thought that some colors would help so I did just that

I hope it will turn out looking like this:)
Absolutely beautiful, I wouldn't need a tank if could draw half as well as that, very impressive :)
That will look beautiful it is very natural looking indeed. I think this is a goer so go and get rick collecting :)

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My first hunt for some stones were successful, but now I'm not sure about the size of the rocks....are they to big?....or should I go for it...I kinda like the biggies

The main stone needs to move a bit more to the middle and it will look different with the substrate going up at the back (a lot)
Perfect. Rule of thumb is there's no such thing as too big where hardscape is concerned! :)
I think over even a relatively short period of time in a river, that big stone would settle onto the stones below it and wouldn't remain "sticking up" for long. Nature is always looking to move things to the furthest moveable point. The thing I liked about your drawings was how natural everything looked, so I would be tempted to "settle" that larger stone so it is more in keeping with the others.

I like the sizes though - they give your scape some meat!
Just my thoughts of course - feel free to ignore.

I'm enjoying your journal - keep the posts coming.
I think they look great and when you bank up the substrate it will bring a different perspective :thumbup: looking forward to this!!

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I don't see why not, as long as your ferts are good you can grow hc anywhere from wat I have heard. I grew a nice carpet in a 3 - 5 mm substrate. It took a little while to take but it went like wildfire after that. It was nutrient rich though.

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which fish?.....I am thinking about cherry barbs with Carnegiella strigata, but I would have to cover the tank.
I am totally in love with my cherry barbs and would like them in this scape, although they don't really group together I think they would fit nicely among the boulders... please give me some input on this..... maybe keep my red noses?
How many tanks do you need Martin?!? :p

Those stones look great, it should look really nice.