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Do i keep the same routine ?


27 Apr 2012
My CO2 injection kit is temporarily kaput due to regulator/solenoid valve issues.

Whilst it is out of action (not sure how long it will be but likely to be weeks rather than days If I end up having to buy a new solenoid), I am seeking advice on what’s going to be best for my tank.

My plants have been growing really well recently and obviously want this to continue whilst my CO2 kit is out of action. This is what I am currently doing:

Dosing 40ml of Macro ferts 3 times a week
Dosing 40ml of Micro ferts 3 times a week (on the days I don’t do the Macro)
Daily dosing 3ml of Easy Carbo (this is something I have only been doing for a week)

Tank details
Tank is a RIO 180 which holds about 150-160 litres of water
Lights (2x45 T5 with reflectors) are on from 3pm to 10.30pm
JBL external filter
Juwel internal filter
Tunze 6015 powerhead (1600l/h flow rate)
Koralia 900 powerhead (900 l/h flow rate)
50% water change every Sunday
PH is around the 7.6 mark
KH is about 16
No trace of Ammonia or Nitrite

Should I keep this regime going or should it be altered in any way whilst my CO2 kit is out of action ?

Grateful for your advice guys

Many thanks
HI you can run your co2 24/7 but turn it down a bit and just keep an eye on your fish if you see any signs of stress turn it down a bit more. there are other posts on here about it that a worth having a look at 🙂