Chuffing hell I'm impressed! Fancy retro fitting my luminaire into a LED one?!
When you say you have 42W is that actual led wattage or T5 equivalent?
What's was the total cost (excluding breakages etc.)?
Chuffing hell I'm impressed! Fancy retro fitting my luminaire into a LED one?!
Its actually a good price considering its about the same cost as a 12W Aquabeam. Will keep an eye on your updates to see how well they do in the long run. I would also suggest you get this written up properly in a separate thread for a complete DIY tutorial, might encourage others to try it too. Keep up the good work 🙂SuperColey1 said:Approx £110 not including glass, mounting board or screws.
To qoute Brett:altaaffe said:Great effort and it looks fantastic, but look what you've done now - we're all wanting it !!
LondonDragon said:Will keep an eye on your updates to see how well they do in the long run. I would also suggest you get this written up properly in a separate thread for a complete DIY tutorial, might encourage others to try it too. Keep up the good work 🙂SuperColey1 said:Approx £110 not including glass, mounting board or screws.
The temperature of the heatsinks, and the ambient temperature inside the hood should give you a good indication whether they will last, or burn out. Are the heatsinks red-hot? You're looking for the actual LED junction to be around 60oC (too hot to touch for long, but not instant skin-graft heat). If you want longevity, the ambient temperature in the hood should be at or below 30oC.
The light is so bright and I love the shimmering effect. I have to do one of these in the summer now! I think it might take me the 6 weeks though with my electrical skills!!!Ed - This is my first ever attempt at soldering things!!! I have zero electrical skillsAs for shimmering I am thinking about reducing my turbulence. It is similar to a constant strobe effect at the mo!!!!
To make the whole assembly smaller could you not mount the LED's on a curved base so that you have a narrower hood and also lower than 12" above the tank.
SuperColey1 said:p.s. If you hold the Alt buton down and type 167 you get º <---------the degree symbol 😉