Looking for some input from the masses :
I find myself the owner of a Lifegard 16 gallon bookshelf aquarium . Around 33 inches wide , 11 high , and 9 7/8 deep .Originally it was going on a bookshelf of sorts , but things changed . I want to set it up on a custom stand , but that will be a while down the road , work needing to be done on the room where it’s intended to be placed . So for now its’ location will be on an open legged side table . This presents a problem regarding filtration as I’d originally wanted to use an Eheim 2211 . But I don’t want the filter visible under the table ; nor do I want to use a HOB unless I absolutely have to . So I’m left with an internal filter of some type . The tank’s depth of 9 7/8 (9 ¼+ inside) inches makes it too shallow for a mattenfilter , or for that matter a corner mattenfilter of some sort . Commercial internal filters all seem to be lacking in media capacity or have some other attribute that , for me , rules them out . This means I’ve gotta build my own. Probably right after the holiday hysteria dies down a bit . Gotta get through Christmas first .
If I build an acrylic box 3” wide or so by the depth and slightly less than the height of the tank , it could be packed with 10 and 20 ppi foam and a small powerhead and used as an internal filter with much more media than any internal filter I’ve been able to find , plus I’ll still have a 30” wide or so area for plants and fish.
I can use materials I’ve got left over from previous projects . The way it looks at this point is I’ll need to get some ¼” black acrylic for the box front , and sides. I’ve got foam ,2 pumps, eggcrate light diffuser , stainless steel mesh and a bunch of thin and thick acrylic and other plastic bits. Plus I’ll get to play around in my nicely equipped workshop . Haven’t done that in a while.
The pumps I have are an Eheim compactON 300 ; and a compactON 600. Eheim rates the 300 at 79 US gal/hr (300 l/hr) wide open ; and the 600 at 159 gal/hr wide open. External size is the same for both .
Eheim rates the 2211 flow the same as the 300 ; so it seems that , on paper at least ,I’m building what is essentially a 2211 in a box.
Making a plywood mock-up for the critical dimensions will save me some headaches ; I can make mistakes before I spend time messing up some good acrylic. I’ll use ½”and ¼” plywood because I have it , plus it’s thick enough to use screws for assembly .
Diagram didn't download real well , DWG/DXF to Jpeg didn't work out .
No idea yet as to how the pump is attaching to the discharge , or for that matter , what the discharge port in the side will look like. Maybe I’ll try drilling discharge holes the same size , or maybe the same area , as the 2211 spraybar and see what happens . I’ll have to space the holes closer , though. Or maybe a slot like the other Eheim 2211 outlet pipe. Or maybe build up an external spray bar and stick it on to the outside of the case . Or maybe make it from round tubing and removable like the original Eheim bar .
Inlet : Start port opening around 1 3/4 (?) down from the top of the filter box . Use 16 mesh stainless steel screen . Arrange it so stainless screen can be slid out for cleaning . Or , see if I can cut 1/16” wide slots , as in a weir , but spaced down from the top of the filter .
I find myself the owner of a Lifegard 16 gallon bookshelf aquarium . Around 33 inches wide , 11 high , and 9 7/8 deep .Originally it was going on a bookshelf of sorts , but things changed . I want to set it up on a custom stand , but that will be a while down the road , work needing to be done on the room where it’s intended to be placed . So for now its’ location will be on an open legged side table . This presents a problem regarding filtration as I’d originally wanted to use an Eheim 2211 . But I don’t want the filter visible under the table ; nor do I want to use a HOB unless I absolutely have to . So I’m left with an internal filter of some type . The tank’s depth of 9 7/8 (9 ¼+ inside) inches makes it too shallow for a mattenfilter , or for that matter a corner mattenfilter of some sort . Commercial internal filters all seem to be lacking in media capacity or have some other attribute that , for me , rules them out . This means I’ve gotta build my own. Probably right after the holiday hysteria dies down a bit . Gotta get through Christmas first .
If I build an acrylic box 3” wide or so by the depth and slightly less than the height of the tank , it could be packed with 10 and 20 ppi foam and a small powerhead and used as an internal filter with much more media than any internal filter I’ve been able to find , plus I’ll still have a 30” wide or so area for plants and fish.
I can use materials I’ve got left over from previous projects . The way it looks at this point is I’ll need to get some ¼” black acrylic for the box front , and sides. I’ve got foam ,2 pumps, eggcrate light diffuser , stainless steel mesh and a bunch of thin and thick acrylic and other plastic bits. Plus I’ll get to play around in my nicely equipped workshop . Haven’t done that in a while.
The pumps I have are an Eheim compactON 300 ; and a compactON 600. Eheim rates the 300 at 79 US gal/hr (300 l/hr) wide open ; and the 600 at 159 gal/hr wide open. External size is the same for both .
Eheim rates the 2211 flow the same as the 300 ; so it seems that , on paper at least ,I’m building what is essentially a 2211 in a box.
Making a plywood mock-up for the critical dimensions will save me some headaches ; I can make mistakes before I spend time messing up some good acrylic. I’ll use ½”and ¼” plywood because I have it , plus it’s thick enough to use screws for assembly .
Diagram didn't download real well , DWG/DXF to Jpeg didn't work out .
No idea yet as to how the pump is attaching to the discharge , or for that matter , what the discharge port in the side will look like. Maybe I’ll try drilling discharge holes the same size , or maybe the same area , as the 2211 spraybar and see what happens . I’ll have to space the holes closer , though. Or maybe a slot like the other Eheim 2211 outlet pipe. Or maybe build up an external spray bar and stick it on to the outside of the case . Or maybe make it from round tubing and removable like the original Eheim bar .
Inlet : Start port opening around 1 3/4 (?) down from the top of the filter box . Use 16 mesh stainless steel screen . Arrange it so stainless screen can be slid out for cleaning . Or , see if I can cut 1/16” wide slots , as in a weir , but spaced down from the top of the filter .
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