An article worth reading (carefully)
I'm an ardent (a Eheim) canister fan but Seachem tidal filters have been well received so you might investigate these
The major challenge with hang on tank filters is "pulling" (water, particles) from the tank bottom: most canister filters have deep intakes, hang-on-tank filters tend to have shallow intakes - or if extended intake, there's very little "pull"
If you invest into strongest pump (not necessarily the same as the greatest flow rate pump) this should help manage the tank flow dynamics ...
Juwel design filters are more efficient that the (internal) path that Fluval has chosen (oddly - as they used to do an awesome in-tank filter BUT this filter was only included on their more expensive Tropiquarium series)
I didn't look at the linked Aquael - so far my experience has been smoking Aquael Heaters (completely melted while in tank - what a smell
😱) & irritating internal filters (restart fun & games after every water change - in shop situation, so no time to babysit filters on 50 tanks)