JazzyJeff said:If your tapwater is soft enough then an RO isnt needed but I would recomend an HMA filter which takes all the nastys out of the tapwater ie Heavy Metals, chlorine etc a decent one is about £50 and theres no waste from them, German discus like Stendkers will thrive in this water even if its on the harder side take a look at Devotedly Discus's site hes the man for German Strains !!!!!!!!!!!!
billko said:Hi,
I keep my Discus in dechlorinated tap water and they spawn every other week,
Since getting Discus i,ve took the advice from the breeder to keep a Ph under neutral,
Everyones tap water is different and alot of folk do recommend using an HMA filter,
My tapwater is around 6.8, but has a low Kh reading of 1 which was causing my Ph to be very unstable.
Crushed oyster shells in the filter and i,ve got Ph 6.6,,,Kh 3,,,Gh 6,,, and my Discus and other tankmates are all very healthy.