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Diffuser under intake


2 Sep 2020
Has anyone placed their diffuser under their intake and had good results from this?
Or bad results, would like to hear the pro’s and cons please
I used to have mine under the intake, it worked well but did cause noise with the filter so I no longer do it. I now use a tiny little USB pump and put the diffuser under that.
I used to have my diffuser under my fx6 intake, worked ok and no bubbles or noise from filter. However the fx6 has a purge function every 12 hours which released any build up of co2 anyway.
I’ve recently positioned mine under the intake no noise issue with mine but too early to say with regards to the results

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I was hoping that by time bubbles got to filter that they would have dissolved, i suppose only way to find out is do it. Thanks for your replies
I did experience quite some burping and squealing dry running impeller after a while. Never was able to look inside the canister, but obviously, the media was collecting CO² bubbles and suddenly releasing it accumulating at the top.

It might also depend on the filter design and connections. in my case, the filter inlet was at the bottom and the outlet with the pump at the top. Gass is lighter than water and then accumulated where the impeller is, causing it to burb. So I had to switch to an inline diffuser behind the filter.
Yes my inlet is at bottom to (ehiem 2213) i have got inline diffuser that i could put on but feel flow rate isn't that strong
Definitely works, however as others mentioned it’s noisy and I’m not sure the impact long term on the filter itself.

I personally much prefer in tank diffusion as I can see if there are any problems with flow or the diffuser getting dirty (which has a big impact IMO)
Has anyone placed their diffuser under their intake and had good results from this? Has anyone placed their diffuser under their intake and had good results from this?
The good result is that you get better gas diffusion by sending the gas through the filter. The possibly bad result is that depending on the injection rate, the gas can get trapped in the impeller housing and case cavitation. It's necessary to experiment with the bubble rate by checking the pH drop to see what injection rate produces the fastest pH drop. Often the cavitation can be mitigated by removing some of the media from the trays. By doing so the flow rate can be improved which will help dissolve the gas better. Folks have way to much media in their filters, which kills the flow rate, so this solves two problems.

The good result is that you get better gas diffusion by sending the gas through the filter. The possibly bad result is that depending on the injection rate, the gas can get trapped in the impeller housing and case cavitation. It's necessary to experiment with the bubble rate by checking the pH drop to see what injection rate produces the fastest pH drop. Often the cavitation can be mitigated by removing some of the media from the trays. By doing so the flow rate can be improved which will help dissolve the gas better. Folks have way to much media in their filters, which kills the flow rate, so this solves two problems.

I only have 1 medium and 1 fine pad then ceramic bio on top so not jammed full.