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Did anyone here go to the George Farmer home aquascape event?


19 Dec 2015
Just curious was it worth (to you) the entry fee, and overall impressions 👍
I attended one of Geroge's home aquascape days and found it marvellous. (Bear in mind, I need all the help I can get!!!)

The day was 6 hours, with a visit to Aquarium Gardens, and a beautiful lunch, but most of the time building an aquascape from the bottom up and getting hands-on help and advice from George. The cost includes a nano-aquarium, plants, hardscape and everything you need to learn - or evolve if you are more experienced. (There were people there who were far more advanced than I, and it was their second time!). Geroge is an extraordinarily nice and engaging person, too.

What I learnt was great, and you can't put a price on a professional giving you live-time advice. And then you get to leave with your creation!

For me, it was thoroughly worth attending and was a great day out, too.
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