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Diagnosis on Java Moss


11 Dec 2023
United Kingdom
Hi All,

Most of you know my setup, but I included some details just in case below my signature, including lighting and dosing.

I added some Java moss on coconut to the aquarium approximately two weeks ago, which was all green when received. There seems to be growth, but it is leggy and brown, as per the picture below.

I wondered if this was telling me something, and if so, what advice you might give at this stage?




1. Size of tank - 100L/22G
2. Age of the system approximately - 1 Year
3. Tap water parameters - Approx 10dGH and 8dKH
4. Filtration and Media - 2 x Biomaster 250's
5. Lighting and duration - WRGB II Pro, 7 hours, no more than 15% for all spectrums and intensity.
6. Substrate - Gravel (All plants are on rocks or wood).
7. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing - Non-dosing
8. Drop Checker - / N/A
9. Fertilizers used + Ratios - APT Complete, 1.1Ml per day
10. Water change regime and composition - 30-50% each week
12. Inhabitants - 30 small Livebearers and Tetras
Thanks @ElleDee - I will do nothing!

What happens after this spore stage? i.e. do they need a trim at some point or do that change etc?

(Sorry for questions - still learning a lot with plants).
Hi all,
Absolutely fine, as @ElleDee says. In fact it looks really healthy.
I added some Java moss on coconut
It doesn't matter at all, in terms of it role in the tank , but that probably isn't Java Moss (<"Taxiphyllum barbieri">) and the reason is......
It's a normal part of the moss lifecycle and it's making spores. I would do nothing.
Java moss very rarely produces spores <"Vesicularia dubyana - Java moss">. The good news is that the <"shape of the spore capsule"> is one of the taxonomic feature that allow scientists to get an ID.

cheers Darrel
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Thanks also, @dw1305 - as you have educated me in the previous posts, if it's healthy, it's all good!!

I am bedazzled why they sell it as Java Moss - when in effect it is not?!
Hi all,
The sporophytes are ephemeral and will die away on their own I believe.
What happens after this spore stage? i.e. do they need a trim at some point or do that change etc?
Yes, they just fall off.
I am bedazzled why they sell it as Java Moss - when in effect it is not?!
Moss naming is a real mine-field, unfortunately people just call them what they like and then apportion a fairly random "scientific name" to them.

In some cases we know that a moss is sold <"under the wrong name">, but in most cases, when you buy a moss, it is <"pick a name">.

cheers Darrel