Re: An inconvenient space
Hello all,
Long time no update so thought I should give you a few pics.
Firstly, though, woop! One of my surviving blue pearls is berried (no pic I'm afraid). Have added some red nosed and some more blue pearl too. Looks like the shrimp genocide is over.
I also added a second koralia (nano) to back right hand bottom corner of tank under the filter outlet. Amazingly in about a week the BBA which was infesting the tank was gone. Completely. I guess Clive was right.
The H. pinnatifida which I'd always struggled to grow in this tank started to take off. Funnily enough it was just in front of the new koralia. Looks a bit yellow in this pic but that's just the light shining through it. Doing quite well.
2012-2-2_20.48.35 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Also doing well however is hair algae and cladaphora.
So I'm going to spout some heresy now. I don't mind getting shot down for it because I don't really believe what I'm saying. But want to say it anyway.
Plants are doing really well in this tank. The only thing struggling is some P. helferi and a part of the HC. Both of these happen to be in a bit of the tank that is being overshadowed by ferns and moss so I think that's a light issue.
At the same time I have hair algae growing on seemingly flourishing plants and cladaphora on hardscape. BBA has made a brief comeback but that's very recent and I know the cause - fluctuation from my co2 reg. The other algae has been flourishing alongside the plants for months now.
Healthy plants
Needle leaf
2012-2-2_20.47.44 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
E. vivipara (which has grown in even more in the week since this photo was taken)
2012-2-2_20.56.48 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
What used to be an HC carpet
Carpet2 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
is now primarily an Elatine hydropiper carpet as the latter has taken over
2012-2-2_20.51.29 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Total blyxa jungle, looking golden in places and sending out what looks like flower pods ( :? )
2012-2-2_20.47.6 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Also some Ranunculus growing in there
2012-2-2_20.54.52 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Healthy algae
Here's the carpet from another angle. Hopefully you should be able to see the hair algae growing out of it
2012-2-2_20.51.39 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
The same stuff on some crazily fast growing mini xmas moss (don't worry Phil, what I'm sending you isn't infested like this
2012-2-2_20.51.20 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Cladophora and BBA in amongst the blyxa (and a red nosed shrimp trying to deal with it, bless him)
2012-2-2_20.50.54 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Again (fissidens is particularly affected by the hair algae)
2012-2-2_20.55.7 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
And on the dragon stone
2012-2-2_20.52.12 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Here's a FTS. Rather old one now as the vivipara is right across the back wall and most of the mini xmas has been pulled out and transferred to my new nano. Only thing stopping the hydropiper crawling all around the front are those moss meshes (although it did manage to grow under one and pop up the other side
). Blyxa is also more rampant than in this photo.
MainFeb4 by
hotweldfire, on Flickr
Don't pay too much attention to the colour of the DC, this was taken on maintenance day so always a bit all over the shop.
Basically I have both plants and algae pearling happily away in complete harmony an hour or two after lights on.
So I am hereby challenging the orthodoxy. Namely the well established theory that if you create optimal growing conditions for your plants (injected co2, good flow, EI ferts) then they will out compete the algae in your tank. Not in my bloody tank.
Seriously, I am stumped. The only thing I can think of is waste. I.e. the tank is overstocked (which it probably is) and there is low level ammonia that the algae is using up faster than the plants. In fact isn't it the case that higher plants will prefer to use the nitrate we add as ferts to the ammonia created by fish waste? I am using purigen in the filter though and do clean it regularly.