Hi Ceg,
Flipper will be going to a good home lol. I have ordered an in-line diffuser.
This might be a stupid question..., if the inline diffuser is connected to the intake of the external filter, is there a need for a bubble counter? And if so.. where does it get connected to.
I already have an Aquamanta EFX 1000u external filter and have just recently purchased another Aquamanta EFX but this one is 1200lph still boxed and unopened.
That gives me a total of 2200 lph for a 240l aquarium. I understand I require 10 x flow rate.
The 1000u filter with the full length spray bar fitted, there is very little flow coming out, and not sure now that the 1200 is going to make much of a difference.
Should I return the 1200 and go for the 1500 lph. and connect the inline diffuser to the second filter as I really need for the gases to circulate all over.
I understand the flow rates are over rated.
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