Just don’t siphon too deep, if you do it regularly the waste shouldn’t get too deep hopefully. You can also use a turkey baster to flush dirt away from the surface. Discus can be kept in a planted tank but they’re big messy fish so you have to keep on top of the cleaning. You’ll be surprised how quick fish can turn around in clean conditions with regular water changes so hopefully you should see an improvement soon.Hey Conor. Ok yeah that was a massive mess up on my behalf too. I never siphoned the substrate or sloshed it round to get waste out. Reason for this is I didnt want to disturb or rip up the plants while doing so. How do you siphon your substrate without disturbing your plants too much?
I feed the tank FDBW twice a day. And BH once a day. I didnt think the discus would grow fully on just FDBW which is why I feed them BH too. Everyone i know that has discus feeds BH so I just went with the majority 😉
So I was doing 2 WCs a week, at the worst it was 3 times every 2 weeks. And changing 40%-50% each time. As already answered, no I never siphoned the substrate 😳
It is looking like the diseases came from crap and waste in my substrate. Most likely down to me not siphoning/cleaning it out properly. I just didn't know how to without upsetting the plants/roots.
Good news they’re eating blackworm already. I’d ditch the beefheart if I was you. Maybe get them on a good quality pellet for that feed instead if they’ll take it.