Here is an update now that I have had time to make a few observations on my failures and successes.
My current formula, which is working quite well, and is easy to maintain and algae free is this:
Light: sunlight through a patio door. I sometimes move the propogator back a bit on sunny days.
Heat: sunlight and a heater cable. I did switch the cable heater off at one point, but the humidity dropped right down, says it now stays on all the time.
Substrate: fine gravel.
Dosing: the plants are sat on the gravel which is kept wet to its full depth with tap water. The rockwool soaks up the water to the roots, although a lot of plants are now rooting in the gravel. Once a day ther plants are misted with EI water from my 120cm tank.
So far, I have seen no algae. I think keeping the water down in the gravel has really hepled.
All the openings in the lid are open 100% of the time, and the lid is moved ajar on particularly hot days.
Here is a pic of some of the plants I am currently growing on.
sp: this stuff is really growing on. It looks a little under the weather because I have cut it back and repotted some. It flowers regularly.
Very easy
Eleocharis parvula: I am growing this on for my nexy 120cm scape. It is doing well and chucking out runners.
HC: doing well, but slowly. I now have three pots.
HM: has huge growth bursts followed by a die back. All my stems do this.
Ludwigia arcuata: I think I have finally cracked it with this stem, and have finally managed to get one healthy pot together after a lot of die off.
Microsorum pteropus "narrow": slow growth, but it is healthy and going in the right direction. Easy
Bolbitis heudelotii: same as above. I should be able to flood the market with this stuff when I break down the 120cm.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis: slow, healthy growth.
sp: throwing out runners and looks healthy.
I haven`t really got any Crypts on the go as my rescape has been delayed due to a two week holiday and moving house.
Overall, growth is slower in my propogator than it is in my tanks.
He doesn`t know it yet, but Stu W is going to babysit this for me when I go away in September.
All questions are welcome, and I will answer them as best I can in my limited experience.
Cheers, Dave.