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Darkest Black Substrate?


14 Apr 2023
Kent, UK
Hi all, looking for a dark black substrate for a tank especially for Atya gabonensis, does anyone have any recommendations? I’ve been looking online but am worried that i’ll order something and it’ll look more grey rather than black. Anyone tried Wio midnight sand? Im also open to the darkest soils.
Black quartz sand is an option, not sure how much you need (size of tank, substrate depth etc) or want to pay. Hugo Kamishi do 8kg's for 16 quid (I've never used it), I'm sure it can be obtained cheaper if unbranded. You can also go down the Basalt route with Eco-Complete (I have used it) or similar, with a much more varied grain size.
There was a similar thread on here a couple of days ago Starting Again From Scratch - Help & Advice where I noticed 3 of the four sands offered are resin coated (probably not a problem, no idea) and the third is a bit of a mystery.