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Cutting back Vallis & crypts


3 Jan 2011
Much of my Valis Americana and Crypt Wenditi is heavily blighted with algae.

I'm working on a remedy for the algae growth this weekend, but if I get rid of all the leaves that are covered on algae, there won't be much left.

I can't aford to replant at the moment so I was wondering how harsh I can be with cutting back the plants I've got. The Vallis grows about 6" a month (I guess) and the crypts have taken over most of the rest of the tank.

Any thoughts?
I confess I can't see how that would work as all the leaves of the Vallis, and all the stems of the Crypts, seem to originate at substrate level or below.
Cut the leaves as close to the base as possible. I use my fingers instead of scissors as it's easier and I just run them down along the leave to the base and snip it. Vallis doesn't have that deep roots so pulling a leaf or trying to peel it instead of cutting sometimes gets the whole lot unplanted.