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Crypts for a smallish tank


28 Aug 2007
Leeds, England
I have a 60L cube that I am looking to add a few crypts in to the midground and around a few rocks and bits of wood.

Can anyone recommend some that would be suitable. Looking for some that won't grow that big since the tank isn't very big and hopefully without a big footprint so they can grow up between rocks and to the sides of the tank.

Ar you adding co2? Crypts tend to grow much bigger and a bit faster when co2 is added. For example the parva will stay very small in low tech.. And 60 litre cube i gues 40x40cm?
Than what do you understand under mid ground? Half the hieght of the tank?

That's one i also got, beautifill light green, in low tech it didn't grow much bigger than < 20 cm, same as C. indonesii, has the same size simular leafshape but is darker olive green some with a purple hue in color. C. wendtii yet didn't grow bigger than 5 cm, C. parva 2 cm.. In a year time..
C. walkeri (lutea) hobbit is a gamble, some don't grow at all, others from the same pot can get rather big like the regular walkeri.
Crypt parva under low light non CO2 flatten's out in my tank, but under medium light, and liquid CO2 supplement, grows upright while still staying small enough for stated purpose.
Ar you adding co2? Crypts tend to grow much bigger and a bit faster when co2 is added. For example the parva will stay very small in low tech.. And 60 litre cube i gues 40x40cm?
Than what do you understand under mid ground? Half the hieght of the tank?

Thanks for the suggestions all so far, I'll do some reading up on them. Nope not injecting Co2 at the moment, tank is 40 x 60 x 47cm.