So, New Years Eve was strip down day. My intention was to keep my Little Lava Rock wall but removing the Spiralis Red lifted this and the whole substrate, it measures a meter long in the photo but I had to scissor off most of the roots to get it out of the tank.
I was unable to use my own preferred tank start up method as my fish and plants were in a 85l container in the middle of my living room floor and the fish were not happy (probably the plants too), and I wanted to get them back in the tank ASAP.
For some unknown reason during Lockdown I purchased 4 bags of Lava Rock, which I decided to use again as this tank is not designed around aesthetics, and I want to see if this rock rather than the usual wood benefitted Buce development. I built my wall again, this time only one stone wide, backed by Expanding Foam and with the top course adhered to prevent the substrate shift I experienced last time.
In the rear section went 1 bag of Power Sand Special-M, 1 pot of Volcano Powder, 2 bags of Colombo NutriBase and 2 1/2 bags of ManoBase (still topping this up right at the back), in the front section 1 bag of NutriBase and 1 bag of ManoBase. I chose this as my substrate because (A) it isn't loaded with Ammonia and (B) because I like to try something different from the norm especially if it hasn't been endorsed. However, I subsequently learnt that it does leach what I assume is Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, I have brought the value down from an increase of 100ppm/2 days down to 20ppm/2 days with the use of soft water changes, it is drastically subsiding.
Let's get some water and plants in.
The phone camera makes it look blue later in the day, weird.
I could have put huge clumps of Buce back in but decided to just glue little sprigs back as half of my enjoyment is watching plants grow from being small to fully grown. However, pretty much all of the leaves of the transferred Buce and Crypts were attacked by BBA, I have never seen it so voracious. The cuttings were dipped in Hydrogen Peroxide (probably this is what damaged the leaf structure allowing the attack), it seemed to be like a last ditch attempt at a takeover. It is disappearing now as the existing leaves melt and/or removed, and all new growth is algae free.

For info;
I remineralise RO to 4 dGH & 0.3 dKH using CaCl2, CaSO4, CaNO3 (Nitrate deducted from fertz), MgSO4 and KHCO3 (K deducted from fertz) with a Ca-Mg ratio of 3-1 (K is most probably out of whack).
For fertz, I'm now front loading KH2PO4 and KNO3 with separate daily dosing of Urea and Trace. I'm targeting 10ppm NO3, 1ppm PO4 and 4ppm K.
I may have to tweek this down the line to include more Mg.
All thanks to
@Zeus. and
@Hanuman for the fabulous
IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator, there are some amazing people on this forum keeping UKAPS at the forefront of Aquatic Plant information, experimentation and technology.
For now though, plant growth is well under way.
And the Nano in the kitchen, home to Eirmotus Octazona.
