I recommend freshwater shrimps http://www.freshwatershrimp.co.uk/category.php?id_category=10
The almond leaf just doesn't seem to be decomposing though!! Anybody give me indication of how long this usually takes?
Piotr: Hi. No problem. Thanks for the delivery.
Jason: I'm already using it. But thanks for the advice. I'm using RO and salty bee to re-min to a TDS of 150, GH of 5-6 and KH of <1. These are the parameters that seem to be advised online. Although the tank TDS is a bit higher at the moment (around 163).]
- Jason its good advice-perfect mesure is one spoon (included in BeeShrimp gh+) - 3g for 20L of RO water and no need to make any tests - promise.
- Jim i use only RO water - you never know how much copper is in tap water and its most dangerous metal for shrimps. And with RO water you have full control over parameters. Why higher TDS??matter of practise and observations. If you use additives from Mosura and BWS its imposible to keep TDS lower than 200 - because of level dissolved minerals.
Thanks Jason.
Haha, I'll take the bait. How? I suspect my plants are nutrient depleted.