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criticize my aquarium

Excuse me, what is the close-up kit? unfortunately the back is all full. I would have liked to fit the wood on the right side and leave all the space on the left but the green rail is huge
Ok, on the plus side you have a big mass of pretty healthy and colorful stem plants, so that gives you a lot of material to work with. Two differences really jump out between your example and your tank.

The first is that your example has a very classic triangle layout where the plants are low to the substrate on the left and increase in height on the right. The plants in your tank are all grown out and don't make a distinct shape or have purposeful negative space. That could be resolved with pruning.

The other thing in that you have tall stems and short foreground plants, but not much in between. Your example has quite a variety in that layer. You could prune some stems shorter, but that will be a lot of work to maintain. I think it would be better to add a few more plant species that are the right size and will add some different textures.
yes, in fact, I think it would be better to add something below but I have no idea what I could put. Any plant names? aaaa hoping that the golden ammania grows because it arrived in horrible conditions, yes it has recovered a lot but it is very slow to grow
what is the close-up kit?
Inlet, outlet, heaters, filters, etc is otherwise known as 'kit'.

Your scape looks nice, the plants look lovely and are clearly growing well. Congrats!

I would do the following to improve the layout; I would suggest you find something to fill in the gap in front of the wood and rocks. This would make the scape more like a full Dutch tank, which you can clearly grow well.
So this is not my field of aquascape but I'm going to add my 2 cents, I'd so you are missing a broad leaf or oval leaf shaped plant front left. I'd add some anubus to hide the stone work a little. Also the layering on the right is not enough try adding a carpeting plant. But it is a lovely tank great job. 😀