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Critic my hard scape please

Phew, at least it worked. 🙂
Looks that way the weights was on for about an hour and we are talking £8 for the suspension kit
Seems to be better :thumbup:

Got my suspension kit from eBay, £4.99, not in the triangle formation like yours, but I’ve balanced the lights via the single point suspension holes in the sp unit and fixing the light power cables to the top of the aquarium glass which acts as an anchor I guess. I do have a penny on the right one just to weight balance to align them exactly along the length.....I can’t see the top of my light unit unless on my tip toes so the penny doesn't bother me 😀



They look awesome mate I thought the single cable ones would twist that's why I didn't go for them but it appears they don't and look really nice
They look awesome mate I thought the single cable ones would twist that's why I didn't go for them but it appears they don't and look really nice
I think @tim Used the same technique as you to prevent them misaligning, I thought I’d give the standard fixing point a go and it worked ok for me with the power cables being fixed also.
Either way I like the units suspended from the ceiling, I wish I’d been able to power them from the ceiling also so the power cable went up with the wire to offer a totally clean seperation from the tank.
