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Creative Aquascape Union

Thanks Rayi,

The tank looks 4 feet because the picture is stretched!! 😀

you can get a true idea of the dimensions of it in my gallery pics.
As for the plants behind the hair grass is narrow leaf java fern (left) and on the right you can see bolbitus heudelotii. There is also some Rotala routundifolia sneaked in there (right back). Still very much work in progress the HC has only been in 10 days!!!! seems to be doing really well as it pearls constantly under the 150 watt MH.

I do like your description 'wind in the willows' im useless at coming up with decent names as you can see (Ripple on a river) 😳 so I may well adopt your suggestion.

glad you enjoyed the gallery!

all geeked out for now!
In the VIP area I just couldn't belive the entry from Indonesia. A 6m wide tank that looks amazing! Can only imagine what it would be like to stand infront of something that size! I would be there for hours finding stuff! lol
LondonDragon said:
In the VIP area I just couldn't belive the entry from Indonesia. A 6m wide tank that looks amazing! Can only imagine what it would be like to stand infront of something that size! I would be there for hours finding stuff! lol

You can stand in front of the tank now!!

check out this link 🙂 -