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30 Aug 2020
Have a small shoal of pygmies and they are great to watch, but are never on the substrate. are there any real difference between the larger types in terms of ease breeding and general shrimp safe status?

could do with some food and rather than use an online, feel I should buy from a local, so I guess it ultimately is going to be what ever is in, but always worth finding out if there’s any general opinion
yes I guess the chewy water is something I best think about, apparently im on the none airport lakes, same all year round supply, (the switch is fishponds/frenchay area and happens summer and winter) not sure if that’s the same as yours does the road?
yes I guess the chewy water is something I best think about, apparently im on the none airport lakes, same all year round supply, (the switch is fishponds/frenchay area and happens summer and winter) not sure if that’s the same as yours does the road?

I'm in Bridgwater and I have panda corydoras. Great fish with cool characters, and perfectly happy in my water, which is slightly softer than yours I believe I, some good quality ones in Sanders maidenhead last time I was in there. Not sure how far that is for you.
I'm in Bridgwater and I have panda corydoras. Great fish with cool characters, and perfectly happy in my water, which is slightly softer than yours I believe I, some good quality ones in Sanders maidenhead last time I was in there. Not sure how far that is for you.
thanks for the heads up, too far for a shopping trip under the current rules, and can’t see me needing to use the M5 any time soon 😕
Hi all,
not sure if that’s the same as yours does the road?
At work we get Bristol Water, but the Chew Valley Lakes supply, and at home we get Wessex Water, abstracted from a deep limestone aquifer. They are both hard supplies, and pretty good quality. The Wessex Water shows very little variation between seasons, the Bristol Water water is softer in the winter, but still "hard".

cheers Darrel
Hasbrosus (Salt and Pepper) are another option if you want a Cory of a similar small size to the Pygmies, but actually act like a typical Cory.
This. I have them also and they love to shuffel on the bottom. Had pigmy before and thee are more middel water level then bottom.

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