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Corydoras cysts


New Member
26 May 2024
Looking for advice regarding this (presumed) illness that is gradually weakening and killing off my group of CW010 gold laser corydoras. They were wild caught I think. One by one the fish have been developing fluid filled cysts that appear between the scales. The whole fish can then start to get swollen and pale in colour with scales sticking out. Fish actively forage and behave fairly normally and the cysts wax and wane, but over time the worst affected ones have died off. I can see tiny white dots within some cysts. There was no sign of illness when I bought them. They live with some ottos and purple emperor tetras which seem to be fine. The tank is a 500L planted aquarium with a little CO2. Water is a mix of RO and tap to give tds around 140, pH 7, KH 5, GH 6, NO3 20, NO2 0, NH3 0. I attach some pictures. IMG_1198.jpegIMG_1199.jpegIMG_1200.jpeg
I've never seen this in freshwater fish so it's a bit of a guess but seahorses do suffer with these lumps and it's caused by a few different things. My educated guess would be the cories are suffering from a bacterial infection, external gas bubble disease. The barbels looked rubbed down (and the fins look a little damaged as well) which could be a way in for the bacteria, so I would try an antibacterial medication to see if it helps.
Just throwing it out there (I have never come across this before), but could that be Gass Bubble disease?