Hi all,
I've found an interesting video in the <"Practical Fishkeeping - Reader Visit>" section.
cheers Darrel
I've found an interesting video in the <"Practical Fishkeeping - Reader Visit>" section.
Mark Allison is a very accomplished keeper & breeder of catfish and also a planted tank enthusiast.You have far more live plants in your tanks than I see in most cory breeders’ tanks. What’s the reason for that?
Initially I used a lot of Vallisneria torta for its long flowing leaves. It made my C. aeneus species easy to spawn as the plant flowed well in the turbulent water and they would lay eggs freely on it.
This sort of evolved into a belief that although we see videos and pictures of typical Corydoras habitats that are sandy or leaf littered, the Corydoras must be laying on plants or some form of plant matter or roots and there must be plants somewhere upstream in the river whether it be overhanging trees or plants within the rivers and streams.
This set me off on a planted fish room whether it be moss, Guppy grass (Najas), Cryptocoryne or Java fern, and I found more species of Corydoras laid on plants rather than on the glass or spawning mops when provided. Eggs are also easier to remove from plants due to plant cells having a coating on.
The growing plants were also removing nitrites, nitrates and carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. In effect they were conditioning the water, making the quality last longer.
cheers Darrel
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