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Coral Red Pencil fish


10 Mar 2011
Stratford upon Avon
Hi, I want some of these , Kesgrave Tropicals have them ,but at a tenner each I dont really want to risk having them posted,and it's a bit far to travel, does anyone know of any ,in any shops in the midlands?
have ordered fish and shrimp from kesgrave a few times now, they pack them very well and do take good care. never had one dead fish, they also say they will replace any DOA's
have you tried Sweet Knowle? They normally can get anything if you ask?

Thanks for the replys and info, I am off work this week so will have a ride to sweet knowle ,which is just up the road from me ,i'll ask em if they can get me some if they dont have any, though I will probably come away with something I didnt know I wanted when I walked in ! Excellent shop ,for those who haven't visited , they had stepped up the plant section last time i visited too(looks like my wallets in for a battering !
Contact Steve Chester from British Cichlid Association. He's a big fan of pencilfish and breeds a number of them.
PM me and I'll pass on his email 🙂
Hi all,
Contact Steve Chester from British Cichlid Association. He's a big fan of pencilfish and breeds a number of them.
PM me and I'll pass on his email
That would be my suggestion as well. He will be in Redditch for the BCA meeting on 4th Sept., so you may be able to arrange to pick them up from him in person.

cheers Darrel