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Continuous pruning or not?


12 Oct 2013
Valencia, Spain
Hi, I’ve been reading the pruning thread in the Tutorial Section and some more information on the web that explain in detail how to prune different kind of plants (stem, rosette, rhizome, etc.). But in most of them I’ve noticed that all the plants in the tank are pruned at the same time (in a single session), every several weeks (depending of course on growth rate). In most tutorials you can see the "before" and "after" pictures showing a pruning work done on all the plants.

I am lucky to spend quite a lot of time beside my tank (except when travelling, my computer is just on the left side of my computer, where I spend all my working and some non-working hours…). As a result I have the temptation of touching here and there, and every week I do small pruning works. To me it seems quite reasonable, as all the plants I have don’t grow at the same rate (Hygrophila, Limnophila, Hydrocotyle and moss grow quite fast compared to Java Fern, Echinodorus or Ludwigia… at least in my tank), so I’m making small adjustments. My setup is quite young (2 months) but growing fast lately (thanks to some good advice from UKAPS members: light reduction, EI dosing and liquid C). My continuous pruning works are focused on giving a good shape to my young plants (plants trimmed very low, cuttings replanted to have more density, etc.).

The question is: is there any biological/chemical reason to prune all the plants in the same session? Is it something you should do at the beginning? Or is it just a matter of convenience for the tank owner?
There is no reason that I know of to only trim all plants at once. I think most people that do a big trim run a (very) high-tech tank so growth is really quick. I don't trim everything at once personally, and I don't see a problem with doing everything at once! Do whatever suits your maintenance times.
Actually the stability of your tank will benefit from a little trimming now and then instead of those bigger trimming sessions. I too suspect the bigger trimmings are caused by convenience and time available. You are also right, that all the different plants aquire trimming at different times, according to growth-habit and desired appearance.
Another benefit is, that your tank will look good all the time ......... no tank looks good imidiately after a huge trimm 😛.
Stability rules .........:thumbup:

totally agree, keep as many growing points as you can at any one time...recently rather than pruning I've been letting a tangled mass of stem plants get to the surface and then "peg" them all down as a huge bunch using a cheapo algae scraper, you can make some really impressive instant "wabi kusa" style hillsides of stem plants all with mega healthy growth but now fully submerged.

I've got a braced aquarium so this keeps the scraper vertical whilst pegging the stems. You can't see the scraper. I think this needs a pic 😵