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Confused about flow and turnover


22 Jul 2011
New South Wales Australia
I'm confused about flow and turnover. I see the results that members here are getting (compared to other forums) with having higher flow and higher turnover rates in their tanks.

My tank is a 4x2x2 holding 450 litres (U.S 120g - IMP 100g) and currently for flow I have two (2) Eheim 2217's which are rated at 1000lph.

What ways are there for me to increase the flow and turn over rate in my aquarium? I don't really want to add power heads because there just so "in your face".

Would yet another Eheim 2217. being then three (3) in total add much to my turnover? It would still not give me 10x

What ways do I have at my disposal to up my turnover? Another Eheim 2217 or are powerheads the only alternative to me?


Jim you need a rated flow from your pumps/filters of 4500lph. The pumps/filters will not perform at their rated flow due to the pipes, gravity (head), narrowing at inline equipment points. Perhaps a system with a rating of 4500lph will perform at 2500 or 3000lph, it varies depending on setup and you would need to measure the flow yourself.

My eheiem 2076 e has a rated flow of 1700lph and was producing 700lph with an inline co2 diffuser and inline heater.

Next is don't confuse flow/turnover with filtration. You don't' need a huge amount of filtration for a well maintained planted tank. I use an eheim compact+ 3000 external powerhead to drive my co2 diffuser and inline heater and pump that out of a spray bar along the top of the tank. I run this pump at 50% i.e 1500lph. I have a 2nd loop that drives a separate spray bar directed up the back of the tank from substrate level that the eheim 2076 is attached to and I run this filter at 50% as well so approx 600lph (no inline attachments for filter).

This is all on a 180l tank. I have awesome flow, to much if everything is at max. I switch off the external pump when I'm not providing co2 to the tank. The downside is I have 4 tubes going into the tank.





If I were you I would use an powerful external powerhead to drive my flow and either use one of your filters or try piggyback the two
Jim said:
What ways do I have at my disposal to up my turnover? Another Eheim 2217 or are powerheads the only alternative to me?
Yes, there are only two practical ways to improve flow, either via powerheads or via powerful filters. If you don't like the powerhead solution then instead of buying another filter that is only rated at 1000LPH, get beefier filters as tyrophagus mentions. The FX5 for example is rated at 2300LPH while the Tetratec EX2400 is rated at 2400LPH.

If your distribution methods, CO2 injection techniques and lighting allow, you don''t always have to achieve the 10X turnover rating. This is just a rule of thumb and it helps to get people thinking seriously about this important factor.

Really appreciate the replies very much.

I have some thinking to do.

(Just have to say how much I'm enjoying this forum. I'm losing so much sleep because I'm reading it to the wee small hours in bed on my iPad, the knowledge here is fantastic - Thanks).
Tryo - clever set up! Am trying to cost out getting a much bigger tank and this would save a whole load on an expensive filter...

Understand that total flow needs to be rated 10x but how do I work out what filtration rate I need? Should filtration be 3x and then a pump / spray bar combination be 7x, for example? What ratio is right / what's the lowest filter I can get away with?

Am thinking (for example) of getting a 300l tank and an eheim compact pump rated at up to 3000 lph. What filter would I then use?

The rio 300s come with 1000L filters for a 350L tank, so could I use a Fluval 305 (1000lph) driving the inline diffuser and heater a spray bar for flow?

If so, you've just saved me about a hundred quid and no need to get an FX5....

Also - is that a DIY spray bar in the photos?