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Comp_nov09: Carbonated miniature

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6 Jan 2009
yeah, sorry about the cheesy name 😀

Name: Jack Middleton

Tank Dimensions: 6*6*6 units will be confirmed later 😉

Aquascape Name: carbonated miniature

Hardscape/Materials used: ADA zebra stone, Play sand

Plants: P.Helferi

Fertilisation: 0.1ml of TPN+ and 0.1ml of Easy carbo

About the aquascape: this has cost me £0.00 as I used a cube I already owned, play sand came from the main tank as did plants and hardscape, its kind of a mini gumi, as I went for a three stone formation.

Pictures up later 😀

Cheers, Jack
Sounds good 😀
I forgot to add, the reason for the name is that I'm using 40mls of carbonated water to provide CO2

Cheers, Jack
I'm interested in seeing how the carbonated water goes for you. I've never tried it, but read that it doesn't work well because it's not a constant flow of CO2.

Sounds like an interesting plan. 😀
I don't know if its excess CO2 or what, but ive got hundreds of bubbles 😀 It will be gassing off quickly though, but ive kept a lid on the container, to keep the CO2 in, in the hope some of it is usable through gaseous exchange, I am also revealing that the tank is 6*6*6cm

Its a case to a small puzzle I picked up on holiday :lol:

Im going to do water changes every 12 hours, the lack of flow will be the biggest worry along with the TPN+ as it contains ammonium, which is a recipe for algae :?

Pics up tomorrow as I spilt coke over the card reader 🙄

Cheers, Jack
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