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Collecting twigs!


29 May 2019
I was just wondering if anyone had a list of twiggy wood that is suitable for aquarium use?
I'm after something like MD uses in his rio negro tank :

I know there are plenty of safe leaves to use from the UK and I use a lot of oak for structure wood but I'm trying to go more biotopish so would like something finer...
I was just wondering if anyone had a list of twiggy wood that is suitable for aquarium use?
I'm after something like MD uses in his rio negro tank :

I know there are plenty of safe leaves to use from the UK and I use a lot of oak for structure wood but I'm trying to go more biotopish so would like something finer...

Here some pics of one of my most recent set ups, all the wood is oak, but the twigs are seasoned birch. They stick in to the substrate quite easily and generally stay where you want them. Oak twigs are probably ok but might not be whippy enough. Make sure they are seasoned as may start germinating if freshly cut. Hazel tops would also work. Check out if you have any one near you who makes sustainable charcoal and woodland products, they will have lots of brush that they give/sell to gardeners or for making besoms.


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Thanks, Tom that's exactly the twiggy look I was after!
I can confirm that oak doesn't have quite the look that I want, I also would like the twiggy bits to still have bark on. I'm sure I can find some birch.