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Coldwater Tank Fishless Cycle


4 Aug 2009

I have set up a 160 litre coldwater tank. It has been running for three weeks on a fishless cycle. The nitrite and nitrate have both spiked very high, but aren't going down.

Should I do a water change during the fishless cycle to reduce this, or should I wait and let the bacteria in the filter reduce the levels? I have had conflicting advice from different LFS - some say add fish, some say change the water but not to add any Nutrafin Cycle (didn't understand why not, surely this would be helpful?).

Really stuck on what to do next, any advice appreciated.

Just going jump in not sure if someone has covered this but here bit useful advice

The bacteria that you culturing in the filter will multiple quicker if you heat the water as the bacteria loves warmer water this will help you cycle filter quicker if you have a heater use it on about 30c you will cycle quicker but then your have to cool the tank for 24/48 hours allowing it to return to room temp before putting fish in if you stick to keeping cold water fish

Sorry if i repeated what some else said
Tomo were about do you live maybe there another member near you that could give you some bacteria out of there filter.

That will speed the cycle up also don't listen to the LFS they giving out bad advice ignore them add the Nutrafin Cycle as instructed on the bottle don't introduces any fish till nitrite reads 0ppm then do 100% water change and you should be good to go i would find a different LFS as well
Thanks sussex cichlids I wont put any fish in untill my levels are 0 nitrite & 0 ammonia may give the heater ago but my tank thermoter already reads 24 without heater.
yea that OK but if you heat it to 30 just while you cycle it your cycle the tank faster get heater in there crank it up to 30c then that will get it done quicker

Also where do you live?
You maybe find another member can help you out with some mature media or sludge from there filter ?
that will get you done in in 24/48hrs ready to add your first fish don't overload the system allow the fish waste and filter bacteria to grow at steady rate or you may overload the system so add all your fish over a period of few months this will allow the filter bacteria to culture with the growth of fish waste