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COD Black ops

Westyggx said:
Pc for me mark, you in a clan?

no mate. Allways been a lone ranger. I must admit, my online time has come down. not so long back i was online all the time COD BO could change that though.

I take it your online a lot?
To be honest I've not gamed alot since Modern warfare 1, hoping to get back Into it now though with BO.
Tom said:
That's pretty hardcore, although for that price I'd want an integrated HUD showing stats and vitals!


midnight opening tonight...i'll be banging on the door for sure!
I'm waiting for the official release date from steam. It's installed on the computer, just need to wait now 🙁
i bought an n64 just to play golden eye... still got it in the loft 🙂

I just leeched Goldeneye today, hope to play it at the weekend 😉

PS3 on my Xmas list, gone to that over the Xbox due to the bluray player and better graphics. Oh yeah and GT5 going to be released soon apparently!! hehe
just had a blast on black ops.

This, maxed out on my pc is AMAZING!!!! :shock:

for an old quake engine, theyve worked somekind of magic on it!

gameplay is just outstanding
Just had a few hours on the xbox, got to say it's looking good. Time will tell whether the multiplayer can stand up to COD 4, not too confident though as Treyarch did COD 5 and that was rather bad.