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Co2 test reagent ??

As long as you only dilute using 4dKH water you are OK.

What I mean is: If a person has a bottle of 4dkh solution and a bottle of bromo blue. Then this person adds maybe 7 drops of the 4dkh solution to the dc and afterwards adds say 3 drops of bromo blue. The total volume of the solution and concentration (KH) in the DC will simply change. Total volume will be higher and concentration of carbonates will be lower. You can argue this is not important but it does happen. The all in one solutions may not have this problem but we dont know since there is no info on how they make them.

So Ian, you say the bromo blue we normally get has also got 4dkh aprox?
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You can argue this is not important but it does happen
No it doesn't happen. The bromo blue exists in the water independent of the substance providing the 4dKH. The bromo blue solution, for use as an indicator you buy is solid bromo blue dissolved in 4dKH water (sometimes with ethanol) thus adding more 4dKH water just dilutes it just making it more dilute in 4dKH water. Still indicates 30ppm when green.

The yellow type indicator drops (as once supplied by JBL, not sure they still do) was pure bromo blue dissolved in ethanol, which when added to 4kDH water went blue.
Take a straw and blow some bubbles in it.. 🙂 It will turn yellow for days.. lol
Cheers guys.. I'm adding some blue to the solution when it comes, I shall see what happens🙂

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I haven't used the (professional) 4dkh fluid yet, i made my own. When i look at the instructions of say Cal Aqua Labs then it turns blue when you put in Bromothymol. But in my 4 dkh water it turns green straight away. I guess it's the PH value of the fluid doing that and it must be 7,5 at least to turn blue.

I wonder what should be the best Ph value of a home made fluid? Did anyone ever put a PH meter in the bought 4 dkh fluid? Does it even have effect on the reading when the ph value of the fluid is in an other range?

As far as i know cal liquids are premixed. Ready to use.