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CO2 situation


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
I am setting up a new tank with mostly buce and it’s been dark cycled for a month. I ordered plants and received them yesterday. Unfortunately I went to stop at my local co2 supplier and they had run out of tanks of co2 to exchange and wouldn’t fill my tank. They won’t have co2 until Thursday. Should I just put my lights on very low intensity till then or just keep it dark? I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but I’ve never had a low tech tank before as weird as that sounds.
You could still start it up low tech, if it’s just Buce they usually do well in lowlight setups as they are slow growers anyway. Just keep the lights relatively low. Do you have any fast growers like floating plants or stems? They can really help fight algae on a new setup (especially with mostly slow growers).
Thanks everyone I appreciate it. I didn’t turn the light on today as I was at work till late but will turn it on very low tomorrow just to get them by till Thursday. I don’t plan on adding much else other than buce and the cyperus helferi I already have. Maybe some moss on the driftwood. This is going to be a CRS tank so I’m just going to run low light low co2 24/7.

Simon I appreciate the offer but I’m in the United States! That was very kind of you.
I also had situation when I been on vacation and CO2 runs out for a week. No major changes, everything will be good, fire it up and good luck