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CO2 Refills...

I have a quick question - can you generally speaking get FE's refilled when they are only part empty? And when I go to get a refill, will I have to take the regulator off first?
You need to remove the regulator...not sure on filling cylinders with residue Co2.
Best if you use it up or expel it from the cylinder before trying to get it re-filled.
Thanks hoggie. Am going to the place you recommended in hemel for refill, are they easy to find? I am betting my co2 will literally runout as Xmas hits. Typical eh?
Easy enough to find...drive up Galley Hill.
Turn right at the mini roundabout..up through the next mini roundabout...onto Boxted Road.
This will take you onto Berkamsted Road..its about a couple minutes drive from there to Boxted Farm Estate.Its on your right.
They have some units there Number 11 your after...press the buzzer.
I think the fellows name is Peter.
Tell him the guy from the Aquarium Plant Society directed you there.
More kudos for us...will help to keep the price down.

Here it is above.
Anyone in the exeter area I have a contact for 2kg fire extinguishers at £10 each ..... Bargain 😉

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I am using disposable CO2 tanks now - by reading all this I think it may be cheaper to get re-fillable ones - will I need a new fitting (I guess I will reading all this) and does anyone know of where I could get them North East England up to Edinburgh - just wanting to work out the comparitive costs - my head hurts ....
Noticed a couple of posts about integrity fire in Romford Essex.

This is where I have got my CO2 from and can confirm they do indeed now do FE refills for £13 + VAT
I just get out of date FE so don't refill them, no one would as they are out of date.. However if that supply runs out I might be tempted to get a 6kg bottle and it would probably last at least half a year if not much longer.

I don't know how reliable the supply is but when I rang up Flame Stop in Bradford and asked about out of date FE they asked how many I wanted and what I wanted them for. Picked up three at no cost as they said they would just scrape them.