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CO2 level

I will try TNC complete
For the cost of about a litre of it you could get the APFUK starter Kit which will last you years - just need a little mixing its easy IMO. Plus if using CO2 and TNC complete many recommend the double triple dose so x6 standard dose - so litre bottle will not last long with extra dosing as CO2 and maybe higher light 😉

Its a personal call for 100l and above DIY saves lots but even at 50l there are savings
Okay I'm sold! Just bought it. Presumably there are instructions on mixing and dosing?
Just watched the video - seems straightforward enough. I’m intrigued that you don’t mix it with RO water and use boiled tap. As I have RO can I just use this? Surely the tap adds lots of different things?
I found out my tank ph today - 7.5 using the glass of tank water left for 24 hrs. This was much higher than I thought. Ph at lights on after 3 hrs of CO2 was 6.5 and the drop checker was mid green. I did checks every 30 mins to an hour and it dropped down to about 6.12 at its lowest point with the drop checker turning yellow. I'll now work on trying to decrease the CO2 a little bit to hit the 6.5 mark. However if I do this, the tank won't be at 6.5 when lights are on and will need more than 3 hrs of CO2 to hit this mark which doesn't seem right. Does this show that there's definitely a flow problem with it taking so long to change the DC?
However if I do this, the tank won't be at 6.5 when lights are on and will need more than 3 hrs of CO2 to hit this mark which doesn't seem right.
But it is correct, lower injection rate and will need longer to hit target.
Does this show that there's definitely a flow problem with it taking so long to change the DC?

No, it shows that plants are not using it as fast as you are injecting it, wait till plants get growing and you may need to increase the injection rate again as they will be using more CO2
Okay I'll try and get the level right over the next few days and increase the time for CO2 to build in the tank before lights on. It's very tricky as the valve is so sensitive. Thanks for all your help 🙂