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Co2 art reg/bubble counter issue


28 Jan 2022
Hi, I've been having issues this week with my regulator from co2art.
When it turns off its a steady 4-5 bps and when it turns on in the morning have found the bps is around 0-0.5 per second. A little wiggle with the adjustment knob and the bubbles almost burb and start flying out of the counter. I have to then readjust back down to get my 4 to 5bps.
I initially though it was a leak so have refit everything, replaced ceramic, tubing etc etc... then I thought a dodgy needle valve but after removing my bubble counter, I have found its leaking water through the valve on the bottom. From what i understand, water is then leaking slowly into the metal block where the needle valve is all night when the co2 is off.. when it turns on, co2 is struggling to get past it and a quick blast of co2 removes the water and corrects my bps.
Just wondering if I'm in the right ball park with this and just a replacement bubble counter should fix my issues?


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Have you got a non return valve fitted along the path between the bubble counter and diffuser ?
Ah, interesting... I came here for advice on a new reg after experiencing issues with my CO2Art Pro reg. I'm finding the bubble rate drops off, I adjust it up again but then find the following day, when the solenoid reopens the supply, the bubble rate is crazy. On two occasions I've overdosed. I've no idea if it is the same issue but you may want to try removing the bubble counter or not put water in it to see if it makes a difference. My hunch is that it will not... The CO2 pressure should easily shift residual water in my view. For what it's worth... I'm leaning toward solenoid or needle valve with mine. CO2Art have suggested it may be the diffuser clogging but I'm not convinced...
Yeah I have a non return valve fitted and also had the blocked diffuser speal from co2 art. I have replaced my ceramic just in case and didnt make any difference. I did attempt to try no water in bubble counter but was worried if gas my fish too without seeing how much was going in
My hunch is that it will not... The CO2 pressure should easily shift residual water in my view.
Not necessarily. I found the CO2art needle valve inconsistent (it was causing minor-moderate CO2 fluctuations) and so I replaced it with a camozzi inline needle valve. For the most part, this fixed the minor fluctuations. However, there would be some days where the CO2 would be at almost nothing, I would slightly jiggle the needle valve (as OP has done) and this would result in a burst of CO2, followed by the normal bubble rate. This was being caused by water backsiphoning into the needle valve, and was fixed when I added a good quality check valve after the inline needle valve.

Now my CO2 is stable with no issues. It seems needle valves and backsiphoned water is a no-no.
Just frustrating as every day I'm trying to sort it and when I'm at work I come home to find the co2s been running at .5 all day. I'm getting an email a day from co2 art with instructions but no response today... using it with an inline diffuser just makes everything that more awkward and takes longer to troubleshoot 😅
Yeah that's my next attempt to fix, it's due tonight from good old amazon until I hear back from co2 with their next advice. The bubble counter definitely leaks slowly through the bottom valve, even when it's not attached to any tube or my regulator.
@op, without wishing to hijack your thread but in the interests of testing solutions. I think I'm going to blast the needle valve with CO2 to clear any obstructions/water, then cannibalise another reg to make an inline bubble counter then fit non-return valves either side (or maybe just between the bubble counter and regulator). I'll let you know how I get on...
Yeah I read loads of info around the different needle valves that was my first though of the issue. However, now with finding my bubble counter leaking I'm hoping that is causing the issue and instability.
Couldn't quite achieve the original plan but I have swapped the needle valve for one off an old single stage reg. Reinstalled with a single anti siphon valve and was then reminded of an issue I discovered previously... The working pressure control valve seemingly faulty... Reads 30psi when set to zero, even when not connected to the extinguisher!
Hi, I've been having issues this week with my regulator from co2art.
When it turns off its a steady 4-5 bps and when it turns on in the morning have found the bps is around 0-0.5 per second. A little wiggle with the adjustment knob and the bubbles almost burb and start flying out of the counter. I have to then readjust back down to get my 4 to 5bps.
I initially though it was a leak so have refit everything, replaced ceramic, tubing etc etc... then I thought a dodgy needle valve but after removing my bubble counter, I have found its leaking water through the valve on the bottom. From what i understand, water is then leaking slowly into the metal block where the needle valve is all night when the co2 is off.. when it turns on, co2 is struggling to get past it and a quick blast of co2 removes the water and corrects my bps.
Just wondering if I'm in the right ball park with this and just a replacement bubble counter should fix my issues?
I had 3 bubble counters to test, 2 from CO2 art and one from CO2 supermarket. All 3 started leaking after 3-4 weeks. Luckily I had them all connected inline with 2ft tubing away from needle valve so I could see the water was coming through build in check valve into tubing. I’d suggest to replace bubble counter to inline version and put extra check valve between bubble counter and needle valve 👍
Couldn't quite achieve the original plan but I have swapped the needle valve for one off an old single stage reg. Reinstalled with a single anti siphon valve and was then reminded of an issue I discovered previously... The working pressure control valve seemingly faulty... Reads 30psi when set to zero, even when not connected to the extinguisher!
I had a similar problem with a gauge on a regulator I got with a used tank.
I dont know if water can get back through the solenoid into the gauge but I replaced the gauge and its now ok.
Thanks for the updates all, does seem a common issue.
I have stripped the check valve in the bubble counter and it looked damaged and had moved slightly, very lopsided and potentially causing the backflow.
I also found a few tiny leaks where the plastic housing meets the base of rhe counter.. maybe I have tightened too much previously and damaged the seal. Co2 art have responded and been great today to be fair, I have a replacement counter coming so I'll update when it's fitted and if it sorts my problem out.
Finger crossed 🤞20230208_173923.jpg
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I had a similar problem with a gauge on a regulator I got with a used tank.
I dont know if water can get back through the solenoid into the gauge but I replaced the gauge and its now ok.

Thank you... Following your lead... I've changed the gauge to one from an old CO2 Supermarket single stage regulator I had lying around. Running at just over 40psi gives me enough pressure to get the bubble rate up to where I need it to be. Let's see how it goes...
Well the new bubble counter is in and I'm pleased to say I've had 3 days of consistent bubble count when turning on! Looks like it was the check valve in the counter that was causing water leak where the needle valve was and causing a blockage when first turned on!