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Cleaning rocks


11 Oct 2024

I haven’t posted for a while as life got rather hectic. I set up a planted tank a few months ago but decided to rescape it with seiryu stone.

It looked fantastic for a few weeks but the rocks are now more yellowy-green than the lovely grey they were.

I appreciate nature will take hold but is there a way of keeping them looking a bit more ‘pristine’? I have plenty of bladder and ramshorn snails but they don’t seem to be having much of an impact.

Here’s a pic of one rock where I have brushed away some sand so the contrast between the colour can be seen.

Many thanks.


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Hi all,
.. .. It looked fantastic for a few weeks but the rocks are now more yellowy-green than the lovely grey they were.
<"I like them green">, but that is probably just me
I appreciate nature will take hold but is there a way of keeping them looking a bit more ‘pristine’? I have plenty of bladder and ramshorn snails but they don’t seem to be having much of an impact.
Nerite? <"All hail the nerite snail">

Cheers Darrel
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