Null Zero
Thanks... For some reason, I simply cannot grow H. pinnatifida, no matter what I do. High tech, low tech, high light, low light, rich substrate, high CO2.. Nothing works for me with this plant. My water is super hard though, with significant calcium residue on the glass on evaporation. I can literally harvest CaCO3 from my water if I want! Very calcium rich water but deficient in Mg, which adds to my woes. I need to dose copious amounts of MgSO4 just to ensure my plants get enough Fe. Hard water means I have to use Fe- EDDHA as my main Fe source. On the plus side, Vals grow like there is no tomorrow in my tank! I literally have to keep trimming and removing larger leaves to ensure the tank is not choked. I have also grown some really uncommon plants like Centella asiatica (Asiatic Pennywort) really well, probably because they like hard water.I don't think Pinnatifida is particularly difficult to grow - give it CO2 and it grows like a weed. I have in my tank and it grows faster than anything else in there. I even put some cuttings in my low light/low tech tank, and they're growing fast in there too, and that is very hard water and minimal ferts.
There are a fair few tanks on here that have loads of Pinna growth in hard water:
AS900- restart and rethink.
Tank is looking great and the shrimp coming on great, i need to trim my moss ass its getting very thick so think i will trim and glue on further downSent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Channelling my inner Filipe - Christmas Corys
Wow Sammy it has really taken shape looks good Looking good. Looks great, taken shape really nicely. Stunning, love this tank :) great job Thanks guys! Finally coming together, really happy with it at the moment! Really hoping the MC grows this time! I'll leave you with another photo
Blyxa Japonica on the other hand is a tricky plant to grow well, and that is fantastic lush growth on those plants @papa_c - is that a Cork Screw Sword (Helanthium Bolivianum 'Vesuvius') on the right hand side? It looks great.
However, going by anecdotal evidence, it is definitely easier to grow this in softer water with generous NPK fertilization regimes. I have also read elsewhere that this plant grows better as an epiphyte as opposed to being planted in the substrate like other Hygro varieties.
Great to see HP grow well in hard water, gives me hope that one day i will be able to grow a jungle of the stuff.
In my experience, certain plants are way easier to grow in soft water. A friend of mine has a small 20 gallon tank where he uses RO+UV treated water and he is able to grow plants like Eriocaulons, Toninas, Syngonathus without CO2 in a non enriched substrate. These plants do not last a week in my tank.