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"Clan" Show off : NA vs TMC vs ADA Poll

Which CLAN are you a member off?

  • Total voters


6 Oct 2012
Democratic Republic of Congo
Hey guys,

how are you doing all ?
I have noticed that we have "clan" in this beautiful community hahaha. Like George and the TMC "clan.
Me, I am happy to be now part of a "clan" the NA clan 😀 with Vito, Ady and many more (cheers guys).

So I wanted to do a small "game", it could be cool if all persons that is in a "clan" show off their tank !!
I am sure that there will be good competition in here hahaha.
Hope You will enter the "game" guys. I wanted to say also that this is not a thread to compare quality of brand neither picture quality. It is a topic to know who is in which "Clan", and to see different scape in different tank size that maybe people can take inspiration.
So I start with mine, for suuuuure it will not be the best one, but as I am creating this thread I have to do so :happy:.

Let start the CLAN SHOW OFF

NA clan : Zanguli 90x45x50 cm

Hi Al,
Yes that could be great ! I didn't knew I can do that ! How do I proceed to do that ? If someone could help ?

Umm might be worth dropping on of the mods a pm to see if they can edit one into your post
In need of a pipe and gravel clean:
NA....... but not sexy superclear glass 😛 , just bog standard optiwhite (theres always something more to want 🙄)


Whoaa we have some amazing scape in our community !!!! I wish to have skills like some of you guys !!
George your photography skills amaze me mate !!! Hope one day I will reach that level of scape and photography skills.

Hey NA CLAN where are you at ????
Ady your scape looks mature mate.

Its 10am shut down state side, I would have a nice glass of single malt but its to early. So I tip my coffee to you guys because all your tanks look great. Those TMC tanks are looking super nice George. All of these glass boxes look really cool.
In need of a pipe and gravel clean:
NA....... but not sexy superclear glass 😛 , just bog standard optiwhite (theres always something more to want 🙄)



Who isn't in need of a pipe clean!

Looks unreal buddy. I didn't know till recently you'd had a swap over from your (fluval?) tank.

You've done an absolute job on it anyway! 😉