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Choosing my substrate help!


New Member
13 Feb 2025
Derby, UK
Hi All

I am in the process of setting up my first ever tank 60L.
I am unsure if I should use an aqua soil or instead a pond compost with a sand cap on top.

I understand that an aqua soil means more water changes more often at the start but I also understand that an aqua soil might not have the same lifespan as a pond compost.

One of the major problems I Have is that I want a decorative layer to be my top substrate as I don't like the look of a pure aqua soil substrate. I can't seem to find an answer to the these questions:
1. Which is the best for long term lifespan?
2. What size should the capping sand be in terms sand grains that caps pond compost?
3. Can you put a decorative substrate on top of an aqua soil (nobody ever seems to do this, they only do it with pond soil)
4. Do I need to mix in a gravel with pond soil if I use it?

Any answers to the above would be greatly appreciated.

1. Which is the best for long term lifespan?

Unsure, but please be aware that pond soil is not a complete fertilising substrate.

My 220l scape had 18 litres of aquasoil and lasted around 12 months before it was exhausted.

2. What size should the capping sand be in terms sand grains that caps pond compost?

I am about to try this, so haven't tried it. From what I've read you should aim for something around 0.8 to 1.2mm. Finer is ok, but can cause debris to settle on top.

3. Can you put a decorative substrate on top of an aqua soil (nobody ever seems to do this, they only do it with pond soil)

Not advised, the soil will probably migrate and make a mess. I have tried this in a small scape and it was a mess.

4. Do I need to mix in a gravel with pond soil if I use it?

I wouldn't bother. However, I would use a plant substrate like tropica (I've used this) or Nutri Base (not tried, but about too)
Hi All

I am in the process of setting up my first ever tank 60L.
I am unsure if I should use an aqua soil or instead a pond compost with a sand cap on top.

I understand that an aqua soil means more water changes more often at the start but I also understand that an aqua soil might not have the same lifespan as a pond compost.

One of the major problems I Have is that I want a decorative layer to be my top substrate as I don't like the look of a pure aqua soil substrate. I can't seem to find an answer to the these questions:
1. Which is the best for long term lifespan?
2. What size should the capping sand be in terms sand grains that caps pond compost?
3. Can you put a decorative substrate on top of an aqua soil (nobody ever seems to do this, they only do it with pond soil)
4. Do I need to mix in a gravel with pond soil if I use it?

Any answers to the above would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Gary, here's what I've learned-
  1. Aqua soil typically needs more maintenance and water changes early on, but it can last a couple of years. Pond compost can last longer but may need a little more work to keep things stable.
  2. For pond compost, use a fine to medium grain sand (about 1-2mm) as a cap to prevent it from clouding the water.
  3. You can put decorative substrate over aqua soil, but it might mix over time. People usually avoid it since it can affect the plants' access to nutrients.
  4. Gravel isn’t really necessary with pond soil, but it can help with drainage if your compost is very fine.
Hope that helps, good luck with your tank!
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS,
or instead a pond compost with a sand cap on top.
Have a look at <"Soil Substrate or Dirted Tank - A How to Guide"> and <"Caribsea Samurai Soil?">. If you use a commercial product you need to make sure it doesn't have any "green (garden) waste compost" in it <"Soil substrate recommendations">.
From what I've read you should aim for something around 0.8 to 1.2mm. Finer is ok, but can cause debris to settle on top.
Personally I actually see <"debris settling on top of the sand"> as an advantage.

cheers Darrel
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Hey Gary, here's what I've learned-
  1. Aqua soil typically needs more maintenance and water changes early on, but it can last a couple of years. Pond compost can last longer but may need a little more work to keep things stable.
  2. For pond compost, use a fine to medium grain sand (about 1-2mm) as a cap to prevent it from clouding the water.
  3. You can put decorative substrate over aqua soil, but it might mix over time. People usually avoid it since it can affect the plants' access to nutrients.
  4. Gravel isn’t really necessary with pond soil, but it can help with drainage if your compost is very fine.
Hope that helps, good luck with your tank!
This great, thank you so much