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Cheapo clip on light


6 Jul 2007
Aston, Oxfordshire
Found this on ebay the other day

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370386155582? ... 1439.l2649

Im going to use it on my 30l as the 24w T5 I have is just to much for the tank, and there was no way I was going to buy Arc pods at however much per unit. Being clip on there is no issue with it not fitting as well, as my other option was one of the boyu luminares, but the odd tank dimetions meant they we're long enough, so this fitted the bill nicely.

Might look Into getting one of these, my pets at home 15l standard light is not strong enough everything is melting 🙁
Hey I'm looking for a nice clip on light for my Fluval spec. The 13w from the fluval ebi looks good, does anyone have a spare one knocking about? I know it would be better then the stock LEDs light that comes with it.